Joel Iglesias - HTG Express

3 chiavi per scegliere un trasporto via terra o via aerea

  Il trasporto è un servizio che offre la possibilità di portare un carico dal punto A al punto B. Fino a questo punto, non c’è […]

L’importanza della CMR nel trasporto stradale

Chiunque abbia mai effettuato un trasporto su strada conosce l’importanza della CMR, o Convenzione sul contratto di trasporto internazionale di merci su strada. Alcuni Paesi europei, […]

7 strade da percorrere con i mezzi di trasporto

Dobbiamo tornare indietro di quattro millenni, in India, per datare l’origine di una strada come la conosciamo. In Europa, invece, furono i Romani a farne un […]

The first steps in customs management

Without the right guidance, getting started in any transport where customs clearance is involved can be a challenge. That’s why having the right advice and knowledge […]

Pallets : the basis for transporting goods

Transporting all types of goods in complex logistics chains would not be possible without a standardised base to facilitate their handling. That´s why since the middle […]

Combined transport by land and air

A combined transport, sometimes referred to as a multimodal transport, uses different types of delivery modes. This concept integrates several options in a single flow and […]

How vans are winning the road transport race

Traditionally, road transport has been associated with the use of trucks, carrying large quantities of goods on their trailers by road. But as in the legend […]

Curiosities about Europe’s last borders

Many of the border crossings around the world have great peculiarities and Europe is no exception. Although customs have all but disappeared these days, many of […]

Packaging, how to protect your goods

The safety of any shipment, especially in express industrial transport, begins with packaging that is suitable for its characteristics. Experienced professionals in the sector combine the […]