Servicios - HTG Express

Working with Morocco or working from Morocco, a key difference for success

For more than two years, transport has been affected by total or partial restrictions between Europe and Morocco. A few days ago, regular transit from Tarifa […]
Aerial view of harbor and trucks parked along side each other getting ready for embarking the Dover Ferry to Calais

Why do transport costs keep rising?

This is probably a question that companies all over the world are asking themselves, as they have seen their logistics costs rising in the last few […]

Key points of the Mobility Package for road freight transports

Road transport in Europe is going through a period of major changes with the EU’s new Mobility Package. The new regulation draws a very different map […]

The first steps in customs management

Without the right guidance, getting started in any transport where customs clearance is involved can be a challenge. That’s why having the right advice and knowledge […]

Curiosities about Europe’s last borders

Many of the border crossings around the world have great peculiarities and Europe is no exception. Although customs have all but disappeared these days, many of […]

Further steps in digitalization: towards more efficient transport

The integration of technology into the day-to-day business of transport is in our DNA. The digitalization of our processes makes us more agile, decisiveand enable us […]

Flexibility as an ally of urgent industrial transports

Things are going well. The factory in Hannover is working at full capacity. Various assembly lines are depending on it. You discover with horror that there is […]